There is Life on the other side of Fear

There is Life on the other side of Fear

#‎AligningMoment‬ –

Change is a scary process. However, the value positive change adds to your life is worth pushing through challenges. Not to mention the added value increases your confidence. Think about it…how many times did you do something anyway (probably because you felt you had no choice), then once you did it, you shook your head and wondered, “why in the world was I so afraid?”

Raising both hands over here because that was me! I contemplated, analyzed, and thought stuff to death. I called it analyzing when in reality it was procrastination, an element of fear. You see, I made so many bad decisions in my life that I began to question my ability to make ANY decision. I spent weeks counting up the cost just in case I wasn’t right, so then nothing got done. I’m telling you that is no way to live, work, or play! Time waits for no one, and while it passes dreams are delayed. So, I had to trust myself again, and doing that wasn’t easy. Here is how I got started:

  • I changed my perspective and focused on what I’d gotten right, then built upon the processes that created my desired outcome.
  • I assessed what went wrong and drew lessons from the mistakes. I changed my process and did things differently when “situations” came around again – and they did.
  • I began trusting my instinct; trusting that God prepared me for whatever walking on purpose calls for. No buts!
  • I allowed myself grace when things didn’t turn out as planned. Working less towards perfection, and more on completion.
  • I refused to listen to negativity – in fact, I separated myself from it. That meant loving some people from a distance or not confiding in others.
  • I grew from baby steps to leaps; even stumbling and falling forward, I celebrate each and every WIN along the way.

As my confidence grew, so did my decision-making ability. I stopped limiting myself to things I was comfortable doing and ventured outside of that wonderfully comfortable and familiar box. Of course we are always a work in process, so keep your eyes and heart focused on your now and beyond – whatever that is for you. Envision your future and how achieving what you want will make you feel. Let nothing and no one prevent you from moving forward with your goals. You’ve got this and you are ready. Stay faithful, consistent, intentional, and push through to YOUR other side of fear!

Go get it done!


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